Photo Gallery Available of Lancer Athletic Events

Photo Gallery Available of Lancer Athletic Events

By: Kristy Booher Angelo, Associate Athletic Director
For More Info:

Be sure to check out the online photo gallery for various athletic events that have taken place during the 2018-19 academic year. You can access the gallery at by scrolling over the “Photos” tab in the secondary navigation bar. Once your cursor is over the tab, a drop-down menu will appear and you can choose to view photos from this school year or the 2017-18 school year. Various events from fall, winter and spring are included in the gallery and can be viewed by sport. You will also find several special events such as pep rallies, NCAA signing ceremonies and more under the Miscellaneous section. What's even more exciting is that all photos are available for FREE download. Just click on the download icon in the lower right corner of any photo you wish to download. These make great additions to scrapbooks! 

A special thank you to Neal Busch for providing us with these great photos. 

If you're interested in taking photos at Lancer athletic events and having your work displayed online, please contact Associate Athletic Director Kristy Booher Angelo. 

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